

4037 Uppsatser om COM(2011) 896 final - Sida 1 av 270

Vägen till en färdig textil

This work describes the process from sketch to functional textile. Starting points are thoughts about the transition from sketch to fabric, and the possibility to sketch before decisions are made about the quality of the final fabric. The first result of this study is the final product, a hand weaved clothing in thin wool that fulfils set demands. The second result is the knowledge that it is possible to make a purposeful sketch without knowing the final product..

Analys av bostadsrättspriset i Stockholms innerstad : En multipel linjär regression

In this study a multiple linear regression was carried out in the interest of analysing a number of variables effect on the final prices of apartments in Stockholm?s inner districts. The result may be employed to predict and observe percentage changes on the final price of apartments in Stockholm in the future. Five models were constructed after which they were analysed and compared. The construction of these models were supported by data from the real estate agency Erik Olsson.

The final final final cut : Fan edits och hur de samverkar med filmindustrin

Begreppet ?fan edits? betecknar filmer som klipps om av fans, vilka är missnöjda med hur en adaption för vita duken som gjorts. I min uppsats vill jag påvisa dels hur samspelet mellan fans och filmmakare/filmbolag sett och ser ut, dels försöka klargöra varför copyright/fair use är så knepigt att applicera på området..

Ett tvehövdad monster : Två kvinnoporträtt ur Grand final i skojarbranschen

I en hermeneutisk metod analyseras Kerstin Ekmans Grand final i skojarbranschen (2011) med syftet att porträttera och analysera protagonisterna, Lillemor och Babba, i förhållande till identitet som kvinna och författare. I diskussionen urtolkas en möjlig medveten intention med verket, som rör såväl genus och feminism som identitetsskapande. De båda protagonisterna utgör ett gemensamt författarskap, där deras personligheter smälter samman. Det är uppenbart att Lillemor, i flera anseenden, agerar Babbas ansikte utåt och att Babba fungerar som Lillemors kreativa begåvning. Ur ett feministiskt perspektiv påverkas deras förhållande av ett misogynt tillstånd, som samtidigt är oundvikligt för att nå framgång.

Naturhänsyn på slutavverkade hyggen i Östergötlands län.

95% of the productive forest land in Sweden are now being exploited for forestry. The new Forestry Act of 1993 equate the goal of production and the environmental goal which means that the objective for forestry is a sustainable yield, while the biological diversity must be preserved. Recent years results from the inventories of the Board of Forestry show declining trends in how nature conservation aspects taken into consideration at the felling sites.The aim of this study is to investigate what happends with the nature consideration taken at felling sites in the long run. 20 final fellings in the county of Östergötland were re-inventoried 7-9 years after final felling. These felling sites had previously been inventoried before final felling (P0) and one year after final felling (P1) in the inventory Polytax by the Board of Forestry.

Nyckelfaktorer för en designs slutskede

The final stage of a designers work is always a bit tricky. Design is an abstract phenomenon and no one can tell when a design is really finished. The design process that designers work within has been thoroughly studied but cannot be truly mapped with strict constraints which the designer can follow to succeed. Therefore, in this paper we take a look at the final stage in the design process. The main goal is to get more knowledge and highlight key factors about what designers face when they are about finish their design or what forces them to leave a project that can stay in development for eternity.

Konstruktion av värmeelement

This report aims to describing the work behind the development of a masonry heater.The masonry heater is developed in collaboration with the company Transient Design KB that is a product development company located in Alingsås. The company sees a possibility to cover a market segment where modern technology and design are missing.The report presents those methods and approaches that have been used and gives an overview to how the project has been carried out. It describes how the ideas behind the final results have produced and how they have been developed during the project's time. In the report you can also read about the final concept with its choices of construction and materials.The report is completed with a presentation of a final concept and a ground for possible future production..

Prediktion av villapris och dess faktorers inverkan.

 A villas price depends on several important factors. By statistical data, a mathematical multiple regression model was modeled. The model has important explanatory variables such as living space, renovation year and standard points has been taken into consideration, in order to assess their impact on the final price for private homes.By using a statistical program,Minitab 16, the final model was selected with eight explanatory variables. The regression for this model explains up to 67.3 % of the variation on the final price.The results showed percentage wise that the standard points had the greatest impact on the price, there after renovation year and then living space..

Besiktningar inom byggbranschen Deras kompletterande verkan

Inspections within the building industry are surrounded by a rigorous set of rules presented in AB 04 and ABT 94. There are several types of inspections but the final inspection has the biggest legal implications and is important in many aspects, since it?s the one that ends the contract time for the contract i.e. when the contract is passed on from contractor to the client. It is also a confirmation on how the contract has been carried out and that the potential guarantee times after the contract will start to apply. The objective of the following report is to find out what different types of inspections there are as well as a legal understanding about what happens before, during and above all after the final inspection.

Multipel regressionsanalys av variabler som paverkar BNP

In this report a model was constructed in order to determine how a number of covariates influence the gross domestic product, GDP. The covariates were chosen depending on their expected influence on GDP, for example education and life expectancy. The data used in this report are collected from the World Bank. The model to describe GDP has been calculated using multiple line arregression. In order to reach a reliable final model the number of covariates has been gradually decreased to eliminate insignificant covariates.

Det berättade spelet : En analys utifrån de narrativa aspekterna tid, historia och diskurs i datorspelet Final Fantasy IX

Med utgångspunkt från att det finns en antydan till en berättelse i datorspelet Final Fantasy IX argumenterar denna uppsats för att spelet innehar en narrativ struktur. Diskussionen förs genom att undersöka om vi kan uppfatta spelet som en text; om det är möjligt att applicera Gérard Genettes teorier om berättelsers hastighet samt om det är möjligt att urskilja en dubbel kronologi i spelet. Som teoretisk bakgrund används datorspelsforskning, textteori, narratologi samt termer hämtade från ny medieforskning, vars ändamål är att undersöka om vi kan utläsa en berättelse i Final Fantasy IX..

Teknik kontra användbarhet - vad påverkar utvecklingen? : En jämförelse av programmen Avid Media Composer 5.5 och Final Cut Pro X

Denna uppsats är en undersökning och en jämförelse av redigeringsprogrammen Avid Media Composer och Final Cut Pro X. Utgångspunkten i analysen är användbarhet och användaren. Saker som tas upp och diskuteras är teknikutvecklingen och konkurrensen mellan redigeringsprogrammen. Den historiska aspekten presenteras och förklaras för att lägga en grund till hur det ser ut i dagsläget. Några av de sakerna som jag kommer fram till är att teknikutvecklingen ofta sker på användbarhetens bekostnad och att användaren ofta måste anpassa sig efter tekniken.

Förbättring av väggfäste för flatscreens

The project was carried out in cooperation with the department of product development IOS at IKEA. The work included improvements of a new existing product that Ikea soon will release on the market, Observatör, a wall bracket for flat screens. The product is supposed to fulfil the needs within this market for IKEA. However, since Ikea was not satisfied with it, our work was to carry out the improvements that were specified in the beginning of the project. Another task in the project was to develop a side-product that is supposed to be used together with Obeservatör for storage of DVD/decoders.The project included labour as problem definition to final technical drawings and a prototype.

Detaljhänsyn efter slutavverkning : kvantitet och inverkan på framtida produktion hos SCA i Västerbotten

According to FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) shall at least a mean of 10 trees per hectare including riparian zones and other areas with high biological values be left in final felling. In addition large clear areas should not be created and all retained trees with high environmental value shall be spared. To leave trees in final felling means a lower cutting volume and hence a lower income from the cutting, but it also means that the production in the next generation becomes less because of competition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect retained trees have on the production in the new generation of forest, and to investigate if there is any way to lower this effect. The environmental care has also been estimated by the amount left in final felling.

En studie av utvecklingen av drivningsnettot i skogsbruket :

This master thesis consists of an investigation of the profitability per hectare in privatly owned forest land. The investigation is based on data collected from Skogsstyrelesen, Riksskogstaxeringen and Skogsforsk. During the last twenty years the prices on pulp wood and saw log have substantial decreased, but during the same time the the volumes from final felling have increased and the cost for felling has decreased, this investigation shows how the netprofit per hectARE after final felling has changed between year 1980-2005 This investigation shows that that the netprofit has stayed on a stable level during the years 1985-2005 even though prices pulp wood and saw log decreased. Much indicates that the demand of swedish pulp wood and saw log will continue to be strong or even stronger wich will give increased prices and an higher netprofit after final felling in the future.

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